Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

The Mathioudakis architectural-technical office is based in PlatanosLeros and was foundedin 1980 by Maria Schismenou Mathioudakis, Architect Engineer at the University ofFlorence, Italy and Emmanuel Mathioudakis, Civil Engineer at the University of Bologna,Italy.

Over the years, another member joined the office, Nikoleta Mathioudakis, an ArchitectEngineer from the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras, holder of a degree fromthe Building Renovation and Restoration Department of A.T.E.I. of Patras, as well as aBachelor of Arts in Architecture from the University of Greenwich, London.

The office has prepared several architectural studies and supervisions in the northerncomplex of Dodecanese, residences, hotels, furnished tourist accommodations andindustrial buildings. In our office, we have restored many traditional houses while carryingout urban planning and renovation studies of many Italian buildings for the Municipality ofLeros and the State Hospital of Leros.

In addition to the above, Emmanouil Mathioudakis holds a 4th-grade M.E.K. degree inconstruction, plumbing and road construction projects, having undertaken and executedover 120 public projects in the area of the Northern complex of Dodecanese by variousbodies (Municipalities, Regions, Organizations).